Maximize Your Potential

Learn, Tackle and Grow

In today’s work environment, everyone can benefit from individual coaching.

Some environments are so fast-paced, that there may not be the time or attention to training and development that can help individuals excel. Employees may need help in developing the skills required to accomplish the career goals they desire. They may be struggling with juggling work and personal demands and need some extra coaching to move forward.

Individual Coaching Provides Laser-focused  Support

Set and Reach Career Goals

Individual and personal coaches can be that safe accountability partner needed to help set career goals and encourage the necessary steps to reach them.

Acquire and Improve Skills

To make fast and effective progress acquiring and improving skills, it is very helpful to have an unbiased and interested advocate — a personal coach — helping to set direction, give feedback and reinforce successes.

Improve Self-awareness

Some people get in their own way — and end up squandering opportunity because they just can’t see that they are sabotaging themselves through: 

  • ineffective communication styles
  • difficulty getting along with others
  • difficulty concentrating on a task
  • inability to set and reach goals
  • conflicts between work and personal life

Insight Business Works’ experienced coaches can work with individuals to help discover what is getting in the way and develop strategies and skills to overcome the difficulties, tailored to the individual and their learning style. 

Virtual Engagements Now Available
The Insights Business Works Team is available for virtual workshops, training sessions, webinars and speaking engagements. Email us or call (315) 727-8881 to discuss your need.

Benefits of Individual Coaching

Over 70% of people who receive coaching benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

Over  86% of companies report that they recouped their investment on coaching.

80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence.

Source: International Coaching Federation (ICF)