Strengthen Your Team

Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
Insight Business Works, Inc. is an authorized partner of The Five Behaviors™ training program.
This program is based on the New York Time’s bestselling book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lencioni. Through a simple, yet powerful story, Lencioni demonstrates how problems between team members result in negative morale and an ineffective and unproductive work environment for the business. The first step in eliminating misunderstandings and problems with team members is understanding the five dysfunctions of a team.
Teams everywhere are struggling right now—is yours one of them? Let’s discuss how the new virtual learning experience from The Five Behaviors can help you create a culture of teamwork from anywhere!
What are the Five Dysfunctions of a Team?
In order to build a high-performing team, it’s important to be able to identify the issues lurking between members on your team. It’s hard to correct something that you can’t identify!
1. Absence of Trust
It is difficult for team members to work well together if they feel like they need to “watch their backs!”
2. Fear of Conflict
Team members who don’t trust each other are not likely to engage in healthy conflict.
3. Lack of Commitment
Team members who don’t feel “heard” are unlikely to really buy into decisions. If they don’t feel comfortable debating in the group, it’s unlikely that they will offer their opinions.
4. Avoidance of Accountability
Team members who haven’t bought into the plan of action are unlikely to hold each other accountable.
5. Inattention to Results
When the interests of each team member are more important than the results of the team, the whole team and organization suffer.
Patrick Lencioni on Teamwork
Listen to Patrick Lencioni on the power of teamwork. The Five Behaviors is grounded in the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the internationally best-selling leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni. Using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ model, we can facilitate a learning experience to help you discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team.
The single most untapped competitive advantage is TEAMWORK!

To gain the advantage, teams must:
Let Insight Business Works Help You Build A High-Performing Team
We have successfully helped many organizations improve their results through team-building activities. Using a number of techniques, we will help you learn how to implement The Five Behaviors model with your team, and learn how to identify and eliminate the five dysfunctions.
Through individual member assessments, team-building activities and discussion, your team members will learn more about themselves and other members of their team. This understanding is the basis for starting to appreciate each other and the unique value and skills each brings to the team.

Are you ready to move from dysfunction to performance?
Complete this form, send us an email, or call (315) 727-8881 today to learn how we can help!
“The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team” is registered trademark of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., or its affiliated companies.