Forbes Q/A: Nine Ways To Encourage Employees Who Hesitate To Ask For Help

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Executive Coaching, Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel, Leadership Development, Team Work | 0 comments

Last updated on March 16th, 2021

Forbes Coaches Council Top coaches offer insights on leadership development & careers.

Not everyone is comfortable asking for help at work. No matter how long an employee has been at an organization, they may still hesitate to request assistance from someone else.

This hesitation comes from a fear of appearing incompetent or inadequate by asking for help. Such a mental block isn’t easy to overcome, but leaders are positioned to help their staff get over this stumbling block.

Dr. Chris Allen, a Forbes Coaches Council member, shares her perspective on ways for managers, department heads and other leaders to reassure employees who are reluctant to ask for help by reducing the anxiety associated with it.

6. Remind Them That Asking For Help Builds Social Capital

Needing help is human, and social science research shows that asking other people for help is a good way to make a friend or to deepen a relationship, even with co-workers. Asking others for help is actually a better way to strengthen a relationship than doing a favor for someone else. So it can help a staff member to remember that asking for help is a way to build social capital in the workplace!

Read the entire article here.

Dr. Chris Allen

Dr. Chris Allen

Dr. Chris Allen, a workplace psychologist and executive coach, is the president of Insight Business Works. She helps organizations and leaders develop the "people" side of the business. She is a Certified Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Practitioner, a Certified PeopleMap Trainer, a Board Certified Coach, a Certified Workplace Big Five and Workplace 360 Practitioner, and a Licensed True Alignment Practitioner. Changing organizational culture to align cultural values with business outcomes is her passion. Contact Chris at


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