Last updated on February 14th, 2023
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From time to time, even the most conscientious and productive professionals procrastinate. For some, pushing off a deadline is a rare and anxiety-inducing situation; other people thrive best under the pressure of waiting until the eleventh hour. However, when your tendency to procrastinate is starting to make your overall quality of work and life suffer, it’s time to do a reality check and break yourself of the habit.
Taking small steps toward better time management will help you reduce your procrastination tendencies and get you on track to get more done, including Dr. Chris Allen.
Dr. Allen’s Contribution: Understand The Underlying Reasons You’re Procrastinating
Become a detective or a scientist about your pattern of procrastinating by noticing your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and the situation when you feel like procrastinating. Write these down. Often perfectionism, which we may experience as anxiety, underlies the tendency to postpone action. Once you understand your pattern, you can hold yourself accountable in a positive and self-compassionate way. – Christine Allen, Ph.D., Insight Business Works
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