Forbes Expert Panel: 14 Time-Management Practices For Completing Your To-Do List

by | Feb 13, 2023 | Forbes Coaches Council Expert Panel | 0 comments

Forbes Coaches Council: Top coaches offer insights on leadership development & careers.

Managing time better always seems to be at the top of most professionals’ to-do lists. It’s a never-ending process that fluctuates and changes along with our schedules and lives. Thankfully, there are ways to get better at managing your time over the long term.

As busy and successful coaching professionals, the members of Forbes Coaches Council use time-management strategies to ensure they can give their clients sufficient time and energy while still thriving in their own professional and personal lives.

Dr. Chris Allen, Forbes Coaches Council member, shares a time-management practice she uses to manage her own work responsibilities:

12. Timebox Your Work

I break larger projects into chunks, put them into my calendar and timebox the work so I don’t allow a project to take more time (or much more) than I have allotted. If I spent all the time I wanted to or felt that I should on projects, I would never complete anything!

Read the entire article here.

Dr. Chris Allen

Dr. Chris Allen

Dr. Chris Allen, a workplace psychologist and executive coach, is the president of Insight Business Works. She helps organizations and leaders develop the "people" side of the business. She is a Certified Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Practitioner, a Certified PeopleMap Trainer, a Board Certified Coach, a Certified Workplace Big Five and Workplace 360 Practitioner, and a Licensed True Alignment Practitioner. Changing organizational culture to align cultural values with business outcomes is her passion. Contact Chris at


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